Desert Landscaping

5 Reasons Desert Landscaping is the Best


(1) ADAPTABILITY:  Living in a drought tolerant environment calls for desert landscaping choices that can handle the little rainfall we see every year. Desert landscaping is the perfect option for the unique biome of the desert. Because of the minimal rainfall and periods of drought, adding desert plants, trees, cacti, and succulents to your landscape offer not only a low maintenance outdoor environment but a guarantee that the desert plant life you choose will be instantly acclimated to the desert climate we live in.

(2) UNIQUE BEAUTY:  Desert landscaping provides year-round color and vibrance, with sensational unique seasonal blooms. If you integrate your desert landscape with natural stone and boulders, showy cacti, beautiful desert acclimated shade trees, flowering shrubs and plants, and a soothing water feature, you can create an earthly paradise to please all the senses, to be enjoyed all year round.

Desert Landscaping Wash


(3) SAVE WATER, SAVE MONEY:  As previously stated, desert landscaping requires a very low-level of irrigation. This means you are saving on your water bill and being environmentally conscious at the same time. A desert landscape saves water, which is a very valuable resource in our desert ecosystem.


(4) INVESTING IN THE DESERT:  Desert landscaping  choices will help support and sustain the many diverse forms of flora, fauna, with plants and animals that depend on its abundance and continuity.  It helps to enhance the beauty and helps in sustaining the overall survival and success of the desert ecosystem. Don’t be surprised if you see a cottontail rabbit or families of quial attracted to the natural essence of your desert landscape.

(5) SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME:  If you want the lowest-maintenance and most worry-free landscape, then desert landscape is the natural and preferable choice.  Your acclimated planting choices, with a little care, will thrive and provide you years of beauty and enjoyment.


Front Yard Desert Landscaping


Cacti are fascinating and have many adaptations to survive and thrive in the desert.  There are so many types of cacti to choose from. We provide an in-house cactus nursery for all of our clients at Envirogreen. Making it easy when it comes to the selection process of choosing cacti for your desert landscape. Many have spines, which protect them from being eaten by animals, with their waxy outer covering to help retain moisture when the rainfall decides to subside.  Therefore, they are a very adaptive to Arizona’s climate. In addition, a beautiful, choice for your desert outdoors, providing unique color and greenery, as well as visual appeal.

Desert Landscaping Plants

Many people collect cacti, and are awed by their unique allure, artistry and structure.  You can create a delightful and exquisite cacti garden, which will become a recurring topic of conversation and admiration with the visual charm and intrigue it will offer.  Once you study the various cacti, you will develop a sincere appreciation for them.  

Desert landscaping with different types of cacti not only integrate very well with each other and with other plants but they require virtually no maintenance. Because of the minimal water that is needed to maintain a cacti’s existence, most remain green year-round, with beautiful seasonal blooms.  They look amazing with boulders and various rock choices, creating a visually pleasing palette, reflecting and maximizing the desert’s true and inherent beauty.


Desert Landscaping in the Sonoran Desert

The world famous Sonoran Desert that we live in, which includes the Phoenix Arizona area, (along with other parts of Arizona, southeastern California and the state of Sonora, Mexico) is lush in comparison to most other deserts.  It is very rich in both habitats and species. The other three North American deserts – the Mohave, Great Basin and Chihuahuan also occur in the southwestern United States, with Arizona being the only state to have all four (now that is something to feel proud of).  There are over 2,000 very unique species of plants that live and thrive in the Sonoran Desert. People travel from all over the world just to get a peek of these interesting desert plants in person.

Desert Landscaping with Steps

The Sonoran Desert is thought to have the greatest species diversity of any desert in North America. So why not utilize this amazing list of species for your desert landscaping in your very own front or backyard?! Other desert life include 60 species of mammals, more than 350 species of birds, some 100 reptiles, 20 amphibians, and about 30 species of native fish. All this amazing life adds to the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. The desert cacti are what most people notice, along with the beautiful rock formations, sandy washes, rolling foothills, mountains and streams.  

Desert landscaping is a very popular landscape choice of the southwest, particularly in Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona areas. Catering to the environment that the Sonoran Desert provides,  showcases what the desert is all about. Many newcomers to the area may not be familiar with all the unique possibilities desert landscaping can provide. It iѕ nоt at all like the landscaping mоѕt реорlе from other parts of the country or the world are accustomed tо seeing. Because of the exquisite combinations of flowering plants, cacti, shrubs and trees it is truly an environment  that you will encounter nowhere else in the world.

The style and expression of the Sonoran desert landscaping can thrive оnlу in dry сlimаtе аrеаs ѕuсh аѕ parts of the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico, which have the prerequisites of low precipitation, low humidity and heat. Generally, our plant life is not subject to sub-freezing temperatures.  So be sure to cover your desert plants with blankets or tarps when nights get chilly in Arizona.

The sheer beauty and inspiration of a well-chosen landscape plan with these desert-adapted, wonderful plant combinations are second to none.  You can experience all this beauty, while utilizing low-water irrigation and low-maintenance with your yards upkeep. Which is a win-win for everyone making it one of the best options for your landscape.

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